Сликата на тетка Рашела


Memorizing the day of the holocaust of over 7,000 Macedonian Jews arrested from the cities of Skopje, Bitola and Stip and brutally killed in the concentration camp of Treblinka, the Fund March 11, 1943 founded by Mr. Alfred Melamed, once citizen of Skopje, now living in Vienna, Austria every fifth year organizes national competitions in different topics and arts’ fields. 

This year the Fund announced a short story competition, although on a free theme, yet aiming the literacy contribution of getting closer the people of different religious and ethnic origin, living in a common place, under the same sky. 

Out of the 33 stories in competition, the jury consisted of three top Macedonian writers and academicians: Acad. Milan Gyurchinov, president to the jury , acad. Tashko Gheorghievski and Mateya Matevski, both members, awarded three prizes. 

The following short story was awarded with the First Prize